Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Contact Us


The National Gang Center is a project funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office Justice Programs. Its purpose is to provide evidence-based and field-informed policy guidance to support delinquency prevention, community violence intervention, and criminal justice best practices through the specialization of gang issues.

The NGC does not maintain gang intelligence, gang member information, statistics, or descriptive information about gangs. Inquiries about local gangs should be directed to local or state law enforcement authorities (e.g., police departments, sheriff’s offices, state police, Attorney General’s Offices, District/State Attorney’s Offices) or to the Federal Bureau of Investigations' National Gang Intelligence Center.

The NGC does not provide services or guidance directly to individuals for circumstances such as removal from a gang database, witness protection, gang stalking, victim services, or any situation that places an individual in immediate danger. If you feel that your life is being threatened or is in imminent danger, contact your local law enforcement authorities immediately. For other individual circumstances, we recommend that you seek out legal counsel or victim assistance providers in your area, such as 211 Information and Referral services; Jails to Jobs Tattoo Removal Directory; Victim Connect Resource Center; and the National Inventory of Collateral Consequences of Conviction. The following federally sponsored resources may also be of some assistance:

Contact the National Gang Center team via mail or the form below.

National Gang Center
Post Office Box 12729
Tallahassee, FL 32317

Your Name