Law enforcement
Responding to Gangs in Schools: Creating a Collaborative Process Between Schools and Law Enforcement
Gangs and Human Trafficking
Comprehensive Gang Model: Building Impactful Collaboration Through Community Mobilization
Strategies to Address Gang Crime: A Guidebook for Local Law Enforcement
Short- and Long-Term Outcome Results from a Multisite Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Program
Preventing Minority Youth Violence: Lessons from Law Enforcement–Public Health Collaborations
NGC Newsletter | Fall 2014
MS-13 in the United States and Federal Law Enforcement Efforts
Juveniles in Gangs in Santa Barbara County: Has Accountability Been Forgotten?
Gangs in Schools
Gangs in North Carolina: A Summary of the Law Enforcement Survey
Gangs in North Carolina - A Comparative Analysis Between 1999 and 2004
Gangs in New Jersey: Municipal Law Enforcement Response to the 2010 NJSP Gang Survey
Gangs in New Jersey: Municipal Law Enforcement Response to the 2004 & 2001 NJSP Gang Surveys
2009 Gangland Behind Bars: How and Why Organized Criminal Street Gangs Thrive in New Jersey’s Prisons . . . And What Can Be Done About It
A Law Enforcement Official’s Guide to the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model
2006 Gangs in Arizona
2002 Gangs in Arizona
What We Do
Serving those in the fields of juvenile and criminal justice, law enforcement, youth and community organizations, research, and others across the nation with responsibilities for addressing gang‐related crime and violence, the NGC provides an array of best‐practice information, resources, training, strategic tools, and expertise to assist those who are working to prevent youth from joining gangs, intervene with those who are gang‐involved, and suppress criminal and violent...