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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Program Matrix


Use the table below to find programs by age range and effectiveness as listed in the legend at the bottom of the page. You can use the Search box to limit the result by title or by effectiveness code. You can use the table headers to sort by Age Range to see groups of programs for specific ages.

Programs by Age Range
Adolescent Diversion Project ED      ✔ 
Aggression Replacement Training EG      ✔ 
Aggressive Behavioral Control Program EG       ✔
All Children Excel/ACE 180 PDS     ✔  
Alliance of Concerned Men PG      ✔   ✔
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America ED     ✔   ✔   ✔
Boston Ten-Point Coalition PGS      ✔   ✔
Boys & Girls Club — Project Learn PD      ✔   ✔
Brief Strategic Family Therapy ED     ✔   ✔ 
Brief Strategic Family Therapy—Gang Adaptation PG      ✔ 
Broader Urban Involvement and Leadership Development EG      ✔ 
Career Academies ED      ✔ 
Caught in the Crossfire (Oakland) EG     ✔   ✔   ✔
Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy EG, ED, EA     ✔   ✔   ✔
Chicago Law-Related Education ED    ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) PD     ✔   ✔   ✔
Child Development-Community Policing PDS     ✔   ✔ 
Chronic Truancy Initiative PDS     ✔  
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools ED     ✔   ✔ 
Cognitive-Processing Therapy for Female Victims
of Sexual Assault (girls only) ED
Communities That Care PDS     ✔   ✔   ✔
Comprehensive Gang Prevention, Intervention,
and Suppression Model PG, PA
     ✔   ✔   ✔
Coping Power ED     ✔   ✔ 
Cure Violence PG, PA      ✔   ✔
Familias Unidas PD      ✔ 
Fast Track PD     ✔  
Functional Family Therapy ED     ✔   ✔   ✔
Gang Resistance Education And Training EG     ✔   ✔ 
Gang Resistance Is Paramount PG     ✔   ✔ 
Good Behavior Game ED     ✔  
Graduated Sanctions PGS, PDS     ✔   ✔ 
Group Violence Intervention EG, EA      ✔   ✔
Hardcore Gang Investigations Unit—Los Angeles County
District Attorney’s Office EG, EA
     ✔   ✔   ✔
High/Scope Perry Preschool Program ED    ✔   
Home-Based Behavioral Systems Family Therapy ED     ✔   ✔   ✔
Homeboy Industries PGS      ✔   ✔
Incredible Years Series ED   ✔   ✔   ✔  
Job Corps PD      ✔   ✔
Juvenile Drug Courts with Contingency Management
and Multisystemic Therapy PD
LifeSkills Training ED     ✔   ✔ 
Linking the Interests of Families and Teachers PD     ✔  
Little Village Gang Violence Reduction Project PG      ✔   ✔
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center PG, PD     ✔   ✔ 
Methodist Home for Children’s Value-Based Therapeutic
Environment (VBTE) Model PG, ED
     ✔   ✔ 
Montreal Preventive Treatment Program PD     ✔  
Movimiento Ascendencia PG     ✔   ✔ 
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care ED     ✔   ✔ 
Multisystemic Therapy ED     ✔   ✔ 
Nurse-Family Partnership ED   ✔     ✔   ✔
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program ED     ✔   ✔ 
PeaceBuilders PD    ✔   ✔  
Philadelphia Anti-Drug/Anti-Violence Network PG, PD      ✔   ✔
Police Activities League’s One-Stop Youth Center PDS     ✔   ✔   ✔
Problem-Oriented Policing PGS, PDS, EA      ✔   ✔
Project 110% PG      ✔   ✔
Project PATHE (Positive Action Through Holistic Education) ED     ✔   ✔   ✔
Project Safe Neighborhoods (Lowell, Massachusetts) EG      ✔   ✔
Project Towards No Drug Abuse ED      ✔   ✔
Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies ED    ✔   ✔   ✔ 
RECLAIM Ohio EDS      ✔   ✔
Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RiPP) PD     ✔   ✔ 
Richmond, California, Comprehensive Homicide Initiative PD     ✔   ✔   ✔
Safe Dates ED      ✔ 
Safe Schools Unit PGS, PDS     ✔   ✔ 
San Diego County Breaking Cycles EG, ED      ✔ 
San Diego Repeat Offender Prevention Program PD      ✔ 
School Violence Prevention Demonstration Program ED     ✔   ✔ 
Schools And Families Educating Children (SAFEChildren) ED     ✔   ✔ 
SNAP™ Under 12 Outreach Project ED     ✔   ✔ 
Strategic Home Intervention and Early Leadership
Development (SHIELD) PGS, PDS
    ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 3–16 ED     ✔   ✔ 
Strengthening Families Program I (SFP-I) ED     ✔   ✔ 
Strengthening the Bonds of Chicano Youth and Families PD     ✔   ✔ 
Supervision with Immediate Enforcement (SWIFT) Court for Gang-Involved Individuals (Texas) PG      ✔   ✔
Syracuse Family Development Research Program PD   ✔   ✔   
Tarrant County Advocate Program PDS     ✔   ✔ 
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy ED     ✔   ✔ 
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ED    ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔
Tri-Agency Resource Gang Enforcement Team PG      ✔   ✔
Truancy and Assessment Service Centers PDS    ✔   ✔  
Violence-Free Zones PGS      ✔   ✔
Wraparound Milwaukee PDS     ✔   ✔ 
Youth Court PDS      ✔ 
PG Promising Gang programED Effective Delinquency program
EG Effective Gang programPDS Promising Delinquency Structure
PGS Promising Gang StructureEDS Effective Delinquency Structure
EGS Effective Gang StructurePA Promising Adult program
PD Promising Delinquency programEA Effective Adult program
(Read the criteria for these codes) 


Date Created: December 16, 2020