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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Best Practices Ages 18+



  • Provide support for local and state crime control agencies (e.g., police, prosecutors, courts) that work in teams focused on selective incarceration of the most violent and repeat older gang offenders in the most violent gangs; enforcement of probation controls (graduated sanctions and intensive supervision) on younger, less violent gang offenders; and arrests of gang leaders in “hot spots” of gang activity.
  • Provide support for local, state, and federal law enforcement collaboration across jurisdictional boundaries.
  • Employ a variety of gang suppression strategies and tactics:
    1. Confidential informants and undercover officers.
    2. Surveillance/arrest, buy/bust, and reverse-sting operations.
    3. Interdiction, barriers, and warrant execution.
    4. Other investigative approaches, such as surveillance, follow-up investigations, and multijurisdictional task forces.
    5. Suppression through patrol, including directed patrol and community-oriented policing.
    6. Suppression through enforcement of health, building, and zoning codes and nuisance/civil abatement ordinances.
    7. Enforcement of curfew and truancy laws and regulations in gang areas.
    8. Consent to search and seize firearms.
    9. Use of traffic barriers to block gang mobility and reduce criminal activity.
    10. Vertical prosecution.
  • Develop a Comprehensive Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression Strategy.
    1. Acknowledge the gang problem.
    2. Form an agreement among stakeholders to work together in addressing the gang problem.
    3. Set goals and objectives.
    4. Develop and integrate relevant services, strategies, and graduated sanctions.
    5. Form an Interagency Intervention Team that targets gang members for interagency services and sanctions and provides case management.
    6. Create a one-stop center that addresses gang involvement and general delinquency involvement with individual problem assessment, services, service referral, and recreational activities.
    7. Implement an evaluation of outcomes.
Date Created: December 16, 2020