- Promote emotional and social competence and treat behavioral and emotional problems in young children.
- Provide teachers and caregivers with a blueprint for daily routine, playground organization, classroom management, and teacher-child interaction, all designed to create a warm, supportive learning environment.
- Assist teachers with a classroom management strategy designed to improve aggressive/disruptive classroom behavior.
- Build a comprehensive framework for the integration of child and adolescent services programming that links the juvenile justice system with human service and other related agencies, including schools, child-welfare services, mental health agencies, and social services.
- Create an infrastructure consisting of client information exchange, cross-agency client referrals, a networking protocol, interagency councils, and service integration.
- Intervene early with disruptive children and child delinquents.
- Intervene with disruptive children by providing social competence/skills training and early childhood education.
- Intervene with high-risk families with parent training.
- Intervene with high-risk children and their families with multidomain services.
- Intervene with child delinquents with wraparound services.
Date Created: December 16, 2020