- Conduct a communitywide assessment of risk and protective factors for delinquency and gang involvement.
- Conduct a communitywide assessment of the gang problem.
- Acknowledge the gang problem.
- Form an agreement among stakeholders to work together in addressing the gang problem.
- Set goals and objectives.
- Develop and integrate relevant services and strategies.
- Create a one-stop center that addresses gang involvement and general delinquency involvement with individual problem assessment, services, service referral, and recreational activities.
- Implement an evaluation of outcomes.
- Develop a strategic action plan to address the interrelationship of juvenile delinquency and gang problems, consisting of prevention activities.
- Involve community stakeholders in establishing clear and consistent social norms and effective social policies.
- Intervene early with disruptive children and child delinquents.
- Intervene with disruptive children by providing social competence/skills training.
- Intervene with high-risk families with parent training and early childhood education.
- Intervene with high-risk children and their families with multidomain programs.
- Intervene with child delinquents with “wraparound” services.
- Establish a wraparound service delivery process for children and their families.
- Integrate the wraparound service delivery process with a “system of care.”
Date Created: December 16, 2020