- Conduct a communitywide assessment of risk and protective factors for delinquency and gang involvement.
- Conduct a communitywide assessment of the gang problem.
- Acknowledge the gang problem.
- Form an agreement among stakeholders to work together in addressing the gang problem.
- Set goals and objectives.
- Develop and integrate relevant services and strategies.
- Create a one-stop center that addresses gang involvement and general delinquency involvement with individual problem assessment, services, service referral, and recreational activities.
- Implement an evaluation of outcomes.
- Develop a strategic action plan to address the interrelationship of juvenile delinquency and gang problems, consisting of prevention and intervention programs and activities.
- Involve community stakeholders in establishing clear and consistent social norms and effective social policies.
- Steer at-risk youths from delinquent peers to prosocial groups and provide positive peer modeling.
- Increase parental supervision and monitoring of children.
- Educate youth to modify their perception that gang membership is beneficial.
- Involve grassroots organizations in the creation of violence-free zones.
- Provide social support for disadvantaged and at-risk youth from helping teachers, responsible adults, parents, and peers.
- Provide teachers and caregivers with a blueprint for daily routine, playground organization, classroom management, and teacher-child interaction, all designed to create a warm, supportive learning environment.
- Assist teachers with a classroom management strategy designed to improve aggressive/disruptive classroom behavior.
- Provide family-strengthening/effectiveness training to improve parenting skills, build life skills in youth, and strengthen family bonds.
- Promote emotional social competencies in elementary school-age children, while simultaneously enhancing the educational process in the classroom.
- Promote school bonding; development of students’ interpersonal skills; and a climate of safety, respect, caring, and helpfulness in classrooms and schoolwide.
- Improve parents’ involvement in and support for their children’s academic progress.
- Engage community groups, individuals, and institutions to respond to the multiple needs of youth and their families through case management for the highest-risk youth and their families and a provision of an array of services, after-school activities, and community activities to strengthen families.
- Mobilize community leaders and Boys & Girls Club staff to recruit at-risk and gang-involved youth into club programs in a nonstigmatizing way through direct outreach efforts to discuss local gang issues and design a strategy to offer youth alternatives to the gang lifestyle.
- Create a system of graduated sanctions to control offenders and protect the public.
- Use risk and needs/strengths assessments and a classification matrix to position offenders and match them with services.
- Create a continuum of immediate intervention, intermediate sanctions, community confinement, and secure confinement options for offenders.
Date Created: December 16, 2020